“Sorry to keep you waiting.(不好意思,让你久等了。)”男人到达孙邵樊说的咖啡店后,说道。“That's all right. Anything to drink?(没关系,要喝点儿什么吗。)”“alk to you.(不用了,我是来和你谈事情的。)”“All right.(那好吧。)”
&roduce myself first. My name is Yamada Kou.(我先自我介绍一下吧,我叫山田口。)”“Hello, my name is Sun Shaofan.(你好,我叫孙邵樊。)”“Well, first of all, what's the matter?(那么,你先说吧,有什么事情呢。)”“Well, ihey helped me find a list of people who had worked in the Devil Group before, and that Yamaguchi had been in that anization before.(是这样的,在我的局里,他们帮我查到了一个名单,上面都是之前在魔鬼集团工作过的人,而那个山口赫之前就是那个组织里的人。)”“Do you mea now actually idehe people who will die ?(你的意思是说,现在的这个名单其实已经标识了接下来会死亡的人吗。)”“It's just possible.(只是有可能。)”“e this list later?(你随后可以将这份名单给我发过来吗。)”“Sure, but whenever you find a person, you should tad if you want to find that person, you sh us with you.(当然可以,不过每当你找到一个人,就要和我们联系,如果要去找那个人的话,也要带上我们。)”“Do you want to try tanizational things out of their mouths?(你们是想要试着从他们的嘴里套出组织的事情吗。)”“If e so.(如果可以的话,我们很希望这样。)”“OK, I see.(好,我知道了。)”
&'s do it today. If we have any informatio you know in time.(那,今天就先这样吧,如果我们掌握了什么消息,我们会及时通知你们的。)”山田口喝了一口水,说道。“Okay, I see. You go back first. I'm sorry to call you out at such a busy time.(好,我知道了,你那先回去吧,抱歉在这么忙的时候叫你出来。)”两人同时站了起来,握了手。“Then I'll go first. You go back earlier.(那我就先走了,你早点回去吧。)”“Got it.(知道了。)”
&his Yamada Pass?(喂,请问是山田口吗。)”“It's me. lease?(是我,请问您是哪位。)”“I am the ese detective this m. My name is Liu Kai.(我是今天早上的那位中国侦探,我叫刘恺。)”“May I ask if you have anything to do?(请问您有什么事情吗。)”“My frieo meet you, and I heard from him that you have a list of devil groups.(我的朋友刚才去和你见面了,我从他那里听说了,你们内部有一份名单,是关于魔鬼集团的。)”“Yes, i found it.(对,其实我们也是刚找到的。)”“Could you please send us a list of that aigate it together?(能否请你给我们发一份那个名单,然后之后再一起调查。)”“As Sun Shaofan and I have said, I'm still on my way back. I'll pass it on to you whe back.(这个我和孙邵樊已经说过了,我现在还在回去的路上,等我回去之后就给你们传过去了。)”“So if the people o are i areas, the politerfere?(那要是名单上的人在不同的地区呢,这里的警察可以干涉吗。)”“To be exact, it is not possible to i we egotiate, and the group we are iing is a large al group. I think for this reasohey will ly let us interfere.(准确来说,是不可以干涉的,不过我们可以经过协商,而且现在调查的这个集团是一个大型的犯罪集团,我想只是凭借这个原因,他们一定会让我们去干涉的。)”“Wait a minute. You d us the list. Let's have a lht, we'll leave for the y.(那等一下你把名单发过来,我们看一下,过了今天晚上我们动身往下一个城市走。)”“What are you going to do iies?(要去别的城市做什么啊。)”“We have a strong hacker here, a he should help us lod then we will go.(我们这里有一个比较厉害的黑客,我感觉他应该可以帮助我们进行定位,之后我们会动身前往。)”“Actually, it's reasohat it's not possible for you to break into our system, but this time it's because of the group. This time it's okay, but if you leave tonight, e join you?(其实按道理说,你们如果黑进我们的系统是不可以的,不过这次是因为这个集团的事情,这次就算了,不过你们要是今天晚上就动身的话,那可以让我和你们一起吗。)”“Yes, ehen dled in time.(可以啊,到时候发生了什么事情,可以及时处理。)”“Thank you. I'm almost in the bureau. I'll make a copy of that list later, and then I'll go to see you.(谢谢了。我快到局里了,等一会儿我把那个名单复印一张,之后去找你们吧。)”“OK.(好。)”